
An atmosphere of increased accountability is sweeping the world.

Organizations want to be able to know they are achieving their intended results and they want to be able to demonstrate those results to others.

My work in evaluation has two aspects

    1. Creating evaluation processes

      I guide organizations through the process of creating a system by which they can monitor their progress towards achieving desired results.  This may be for a whole program or for a specific aspect of their work, such as assessing board performance, or developing outcome indicators for a team.

    2. Doing program evaluations

      I serve as an independent external evaluator of programs and processes.

My Process

My process is participatory.  I work with my client to determine their answers to three key questions:

  • Why do you want to have this evaluation done?
  • Who will use or see the evaluation report?  How will they use it?
  • How much time, energy and money do you choose to put into this process?

Then we design a process to meet these needs.  I use a mix of qualitative (e.g. personal feedback) and quantitative (e.g. numbers served) methods as needed by the project.

In an evaluation report (and often presentation), I reflect back to the organization my analysis of the information gathered in a format that meets their needs.

See Profile section for a list of recent evaluation clients.


Do you need my services?

Please click here to contact me.

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